Google Drive Now Lets You Copy-Paste Stuff

You will now be able to use the “Ctrl + C,” “Ctrl + V,” and “Ctrl + X” keyboard shortcuts while accessing Google Drive on your PC. On Mac, you can use “⌘ + C” to copy, “⌘ + V” to paste, and “⌘ + X” to cut.
This will help you select multiple files and easily send them to different locations without the hassle of a multi-step process using the mouse. You can use these keyboard shortcuts to move files to other locations in Drive or across multiple tabs in Google Chrome.
Google has also revealed that while copying a particular Drive file, the link and the title of the file will also be copied so that you can easily paste them into a document or an email if needed. You can check out the working of this functionality below.
Google Drive will also support the “Ctrl + C” and the “Ctrl + Shift + V” shortcuts, which will help you create shortcuts within the Drive to avoid the duplication of files. This will help in freeing up space on Google Drive, which can be limited if you don’t own a Google One subscription plan. Additionally, there will be another keyboard shortcut — “Ctrl+Enter,” which will let you open new files and folders in a new tab. This functionality will be of help when you need to open multiple folders and files at the same time or use different tabs to manage files in different folder locations.
Support for keyboard shortcuts in Google Drive will start reaching all users and Google Workspace customers, starting June 1. So, what do you think about this new cool Google Drive feature? Let us know in the comments below.